Linking the past to the present, urban to rural, and promoting educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities.
Economic development, cultural heritage, and recreation at the entrance to Mt. Rainier National Park. WFIM will revitalize Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad, and introduce rail biking, cultural, ecological, and other recreational opportunities for enjoyment by travelers, students, tourists, and recreationalists of all backgrounds and abilities.

Our Mission:
To cultivate an understanding of the history and culture of railroad of early Pacific Northwest logging and logging railroads in both exhibit and operating form. To foster an appreciation for outdoor activities while preserving and maintaining the freight corridor.
Our Vision:
Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad (WFIM), through its various enterprises, will serve as a physical and cultural link between the urban and rural communities surrounding Mt. Rainier.
With the world’s largest comprehensive collection of logging locomotives, we will promote and provide historical steam age experiences telling the stories of those that lived, worked, and were impacted by the railroad.
By utilizing our travel corridor, MRSR offers inclusive recreational opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds, interests, and abilities.
We will provide sustainable and responsible tourism opportunities to benefit the local communities surrounding Mt. Rainier and our travel corridor.
Our Past.
The railway to Paradise (Mt. Rainier) has been through many owners and has had many different purposes since its birth, over 100 years ago. The important ecological and cultural history of the area extends much further into the past.
Our Present.
Who are we? Meet our Executive Team, Board of Directors, and Stakeholders. Join the dedicated group of people and organizations working to preserve the area’s important historical, cultural, and ecological assets and build a sustainable tourism entity.
Our Future.
Learn more about our phased plan to reintroduce rail service to the foothills of Mt. Rainier. Our plans include RailCycle Mt. Rainier, a larger and more inclusive museum, a new train depot in Eatonville, WA, and a restored tourist railroad.

“Rail barons, miners, loggers, speculators, gamblers, timber barons, Wobblies, bootleggers, settlers, lewd women, hobos, and other frontier characters all headed to Mount Tacoma [through native Nisqually territory] to find their fortunes.”
— Russell H. Holter, author, Rails to Paradise
The stories of logging camps and railroads are intimately woven into the fabric of the United States; the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Sign up to be the first to know about our nonprofit’s progress and the Spring 2023 launch of RailCycle Mt. Rainier,